Deadline 20 March 2017. Applications invited for two CFN initiatives to capture data on collaborative skills development activity and documented research.

Two research/audit briefs: –

  1. Auditing cultural sector skills development activity delivered in partnership between the cultural and higher education sectors.  See further information below.
  2. Identifying and summarising existing research resources on topics relevant to Culture Forum North areas of interest. See further information below.

Applications can be made for an individual contract or for both as a single contract.


Culture Forum North is an open network of partnerships between cultural and higher education organisations in the North of England.  The Forum acts as a platform for the collation, creation and dissemination of knowledge and models of good practice in partnership working, that provide a useful resource for our sectors.

The Forum has three key agendas: Research; Cultural & Creative Careers; and Public Engagement.

An Arts Council England Project Initiation grant has been secured to undertake data-gathering that will support knowledge-sharing and collaborative practice in those areas.




1. Auditing cultural sector skills development activity delivered in partnership between the cultural and higher education sectors

We are looking for a consultant with experience in the cultural and higher education sectors who can help CFN gather data on partnership activity across the north of England, designed to develop a diverse, skilled cultural workforce.

The data will be used to create an online ‘heat-map’ – a resource showing the type, location and a summary of such activity; reference material to improve current and inform future practice.




A budget of up to £3,500 inclusive is available.

Application process

Please send your C.V. plus a proposal of max two sides of A4 outlining: –

Send your application no later than 12 noon, Monday 20 March 2017 to: –

Jennifer Owen


2. Identifying and summarising existing research resources on topics relevant to Culture Forum North areas of interest.

We wish to commission an audit of current research, and to keep it manageable at this stage. The audit will consist of requesting one piece of research relevant/helpful to the sector from each University member. An abstract of the research to be drafted in accessible language and full research publication to be made available through the website (if possible).


To build a repository of research accessible to the arts and cultural sector through the CFN website.



A budget of up to £4,000 inclusive is available.

Application process

Please send a proposal of no more than two sides of A4 which outlines:

We would also like to see your CV and no more than three example of your writing style – either published or online.

Send your application no later than 12 noon, Monday 20 March 2017 to: –

Jennifer Owen