
Anna Powell, Steve Swindells


ROTO Transdisciplinary Dialogue and Debate: A Public Engagement Case Study


5th Arte Polis International Conference and Workshop – “Reflections on Creativity: Public Engagement and The Making of Place”, Arte-Polis 5, 8-9 August 2014, Bandung, Indonesia

Institution of corresponding author

University of Huddersfield

Corresponding author

Anna Powell


Public engagement; contemporary art; creative citizenship; partnership

Catalogue entry

The researchers are interested in the way that interpretation acts as a pivot between academic research and public engagement, mediating multiple perspectives.

In this conference paper they present the ROTOR public engagement exhibitions programme arising from collaboration between Huddersfield Art Gallery and staff and students of Huddersfield University as a case study. The programme’s overall aim is to introduce new audiences to contemporary art and design, and also to counter the ‘ivory tower’ perception of academics and their research.

The paper concludes that the initiative has been successful in attracting new audiences, and by providing cultural enrichment to the area. The authors indicate areas for further research, into the value of engagement and understanding its less easily measured impacts.

You will find this article useful in planning and executing collaborations between cultural organisations and universities, and in reflecting on the purpose and design of evaluation